Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Beginning

In October Paul and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary and later that month decided it would be a good time to start trying to have a baby. But anyone who knows me knows I grew up such tomboy that I didn't take the time or the chances to learn how baby making is possible. I obviously got the idea, but when the best times to try are and so on, I had no idea. So I found a book here at the Cedar City D.I. that I bought to educate myself. Well, apparently I'm a fast learner because it didn't take long. I guess I'm what you call "fertile myrtle". At first I couldn't believe it, but 4 tests later, and I guess I had to.

So yesterday was my first appointment with the doctor. I'm seeing Dr. Gatherum here at Valley View Medical Center where Paul works. Paul has seen him around and said he is such a nice guy, and I agree. He was awesome yesterday. The highlight of the appointment was to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was amazing! If I feel like this after just the heartbeat, I can't imagine what the ultrasound and actually holding the baby will feel like. Paul had the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face! This morning I woke up to him mimmicking the sound of the heartbeat. He is going to be such and amazing dad!:)

Welp, that's all I have for now. I'll start working on my "to-do-in-the-next-6-months" list. Stay tuned....


  1. That is totally awesome! Now you really do have a reason to blog! Love it!! Check ours out now! :)

  2. I am so EXCITED for you to have a blog and a BABY. You will be such a great mother, I am sooo happy for you. Enjoy your pregnanacy.

  3. I love how you had to take 4 tests to convince yourself that you were actually pregnant. :0) I'm really excited for you. Despite my horrible morning sickness I really loved my pregnancies, each and every one. Enjoy this time and get lots of rest, because once the baby comes you won't get any. lol.

  4. Hey Cousin,
    Awesome news!
    Welcome to the blogging world. You're welcome to view my blog at

    Good Luck with all your baby plans.
    Love ya,
    Ginia Bell

  5. Congrats!!! I am so excited for you guys! You really will enjoy being a mom even though you were a tomboy growing up ;)
